

I have collated my favourite designs and have put together my capsule collection. I was unsure whether to make a skirt or trousers to go with the jacket that I have decided to make, however after discussing this dilemma with my peers, Karen and Sian they all agreed that I should make the trousers as they go with the coat better, they are more modern and most importantly they are more 'Moncler'. And I couldn't agree more! I am still deliberating over which jacket to make and whether I am going to use a screen print or a digital print, at the moment I am leaning more towards the digital print as Moncler Valli has used this method in his last two collections for Moncler Gamme Rouge and I also think that it would look better than a screen print as it has a smudged effect that would be hard to put across with screen printing. I haven't decided on the extact shape of my jacket so I am just going to make a toile and see what looks best. Here are some of my ideas and garments from my capsule collection.

Design Development with Ink

Design Development