
Finished Garments

Reflective Essay

At the beginning of the module when I was given Moncler to design for I didn't know anything about the brand so I began researching. Firstly, I visited the Moncler website and was quite disappointed at what I saw - a range of plastic coats and ski wear. However, I soon became enthusiastic about the brand when I found out about Moncler 'Gamme Rouge', the luxury couture line, and I knew that this was the range that I wanted to design for.
Although I really don't like presenting I was glad that I did it as the only way to become better at presenting is by having more practice, and I do think that I have improved a lot since the begiinning of the degree. I really enjoyed listening to presentations from my fellow students as I learnt a lot about different designers and it was also good to see what other people in my class were doing and how they had interpreted their designers work and put part of themselves into it.
Although I really didn't enjoy the design development classes as I like to take time over my work and I am a perfectionist, it did help me develop my own style so for that reason I am quite glad that we had to do them.
I am pleased with the work that I have produced and I am looking forward to showing my work at the catwalk show and celebrating everyones hard work. This module is also the first time that I have been to FABPAD for a digital print and I must say, after all of deliberating, I am so pleased that I got it done and I also think that it works really well for my designer. This is something that I will definitely use again, although probably not until my final year because it is very expensive! If I was to go back in time then I may not have fixed all of the gems onto the hip panels of my garment as this took me hours! But I am very happy with the result so I think it was worth it. I also think that I need to manage my time better, although I always seem to be doing uni work I was still rushing to get everything finished at the end, I think this is probably because I left a lot of bits and bobs to the last minute which ended up building up.
Overall I think that I have worked to my best ability during this module and I always enjoy the challeng, I enjoyed researching for my collection and I am happy with my final outfit.

Finalised Diffusion Range

Moncler City is a diffusion line from Moncler's Autumn/Winter 2009 collection 'Empower my Dreams' inspired by armour and jellyfish prints. The range is kept cheaper than the couture range by using less expensive fabrics and screen printing rather than digital printing.


Final Collection Range Plan

Final Jacket and Trousers

This is the outfit that I am making showing the digital print on the jacket. The sleeves are made of cotton velvet and the print is on silk viscose satin. The trousers are made from wool and the strips are made from the same velvet as the sleeves.


Fashion Illustration

This is my fashion illustration of my final garments, I've drawn it using ink and changed the colours and added the print in photoshop. I am pleased with the way it looks because in the past I have overloaded my illustrations with too much detail, less is more!!!

Diffusion Range - Moncler City